How to fix your inventory in ezyVet – Part 1
Here is a beginner guide to get grips on your inventory count in ezyVet.
- Ensure ezyVet settings are correct. – Log in to ezyVet and access ‘Inventory Value’ report by going to Reporting – type inventory. Pick today’s date and hit run in desired format. Now look at the report. Are there any products or services that show negative values? Is there a quantity in the quantity field, but no amount in value? Do the numbers make sense? These abnormalities might be a sign that either your process of receiving inventory needs improvement or your ezyVet settings under product are incorrect. Here are a few that are very common and fairly easy to fix:
Service that shows as inventory product: Does your ‘neuter’ shows negative 1,234? Go to
Admin – Product – find the service and change in properties their ‘inventory track’ from Product to ‘No’. See below. If you have many products in the product group with incorrect settings, you can adjust it quicker by going to Admin – Product Groups – Click on the Product Group, then upper tab Products. Choose all or only the ones impacted and at the bottom choose Action – Set Tracking Level – Click Action – choose No – Set tracking level on products.
If the product has quantity but no value, it might be missing cost under Pricing. To fix this head to Admin – Product – Pricing to change the cost. If the cost doesn’t show, it is because the Properties are marked as ‘No’ under ‘Is Bought’.
The other common problem is that the products in ezyVet are not set up as a ‘container’. For example, the medication is purchased from the supplier in a bottle, but usually sold as few pills at a time. To learn more about container head to the Help button in ezyVet and enter Product Container. This is also used for vaccination to make sure the boosters are reduced from the inventory without causing negative amounts.
2. Archive unused or duplicate products – Don’t set up 5 different products that are the same product. For example: Carprofen 75mg, Carprovet 75mg, Carprovet MWI, Carprovet 180-tab 75mg, Carprovet 60 tabs 75 mg. Your CSRs will not choose the right one and your inventory count and inventory value will be a mess forever. Check out the ezyVet Help tab if you are struggling to figure out how to disable or set up some of the products.